from __future__ import absolute_import import collections import math import numpy as np import pp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import common.commonobjects as co def fftshift(data, shift): """Method to shift a 2d complex data array by applying the given phase shift to its Fourier transform. """ # move centre of image to array origin temp = numpy.fft.fftshift(data) # 2d fft temp = numpy.fft.fft2(temp) # apply phase shift temp *= shift # transform and shift back temp = numpy.fft.ifft2(temp) temp = numpy.fft.fftshift(temp) return temp def fields_match(previous_config, config, exclude_fields=[]): """Function to compare 2 configs, ignoring any differences in the components listed in 'exclude_fields'. """ if previous_config is None: return False if not exclude_fields: return previous_config==config else: # convert to dicts and eliminate exclude_fields previous_dict = previous_config._asdict() current_dict = config._asdict() for field in exclude_fields: ignore = previous_dict.pop(field, None) ignore = current_dict.pop(field, None) previous_set = set([k for k in previous_dict.items()]) current_set = set([k for k in current_dict.items()]) diff = previous_set.symmetric_difference(current_set) debug = False if(debug): print diff return not(bool(diff)) class Observe(object): """Class to compute interferograms. """ def __init__(self, parameters, previous_results, job_server): self.parameters = parameters self.previous_results = previous_results self.job_server = job_server self.result = collections.OrderedDict() def run(self): print '' # access primary beam information beamsgenerator = self.previous_results['beamsgenerator'] # access required FTS information fts = self.previous_results['fts'] fts_wn = fts['fts_wn'] fts_wn_truncated = fts['fts_wn_truncated'] delta_opd = fts['delta_opd'] # access to model sky skygenerator = self.previous_results['skygenerator'] sky_model = skygenerator['sky model'] spatial_axis = self.result['spatial axis'] = skygenerator['spatial axis'] nx = len(spatial_axis) # assuming nx is even then transform of spatial axis has 0 freq at origin # and [nx/2] is Nyquist frequency [Nyq freq = 0.5 * Nyquist sampling freq]. # The fft is shifted so that 0 freq is at nx/2. nx = len(spatial_axis) spatial_freq_axis = np.arange(-nx/2, nx/2, dtype=np.float) sample_freq = (180.0 * 3600.0 / np.pi) / (spatial_axis[1] - spatial_axis[0]) spatial_freq_axis *= (sample_freq / nx) self.result['spatial frequency axis'] = spatial_freq_axis # get list of instrument configuratons uvmapgenerator = self.previous_results['uvmapgenerator'] obs_framework = uvmapgenerator['obs_framework'] # and calculate the result for each configuration previous_config = None observed_obs_framework = [] debug_plotted = False for config in obs_framework: # if config.fts_start: # print 'start FTS scan' # print 'baseline', config.baseline_x, config.baseline_y,\ # config.baseline_z if fields_match(previous_config, config, exclude_fields=['scan_number', 'fts_start', 'fts_position', 'fts_nominal_position', 'baseline_x', 'baseline_y', 'baseline_z', 'baseline_number', 'data']): pass else: # print 'previous', previous_config # print 'current', config # calculate new sky # print 'calculating new sky' # Be explicit about copies otherwise a reference is # made which corrupts the original and leads to much # confusion. sky_now = sky_model.copy() # calculate the sky that the system is observing at this # moment, incorporating various errors in turn. # 1. baseline should be perp to vector towards centre # of field. If baseline is tilted then origin of sky # map shifts. # I think this error can be folded into that for the # FTS mirror, so leave handling it until then. Is # this correct? # 2. Flux-collecting telescopes should be pointing # at centre of field. They each collect flux from # the 'sky' and pass it to the FTS beam combiner. # In doing this each telescope multiplies the sky # emission by its complex amplitude beam response. # So instead of measuring the correlation of the # 'sky' with itself, we measure that x Beam1.Beam2*. # Is this correct? Gives right answer for 'no error' # where Beam1.Beam2* == PSF. # multiply sky by amp.beam 1 * conj(amp.beam 2) amp_beam_1 = beamsgenerator['primary amplitude beam'].data amp_beam_2 = beamsgenerator['primary amplitude beam'].data # shift beams if pointing error if config.point1_x_error or config.point1_y_error: # calculate shifted beam1 # raise Exception, 'not implemented' current_amp_beam_1 = amp_beam_1 else: current_amp_beam_1 = amp_beam_1 if config.point2_x_error or config.point2_y_error: # calculate shifted beam2 # raise Exception, 'not implemented' current_amp_beam_2 = amp_beam_2 else: current_amp_beam_2 = amp_beam_2 sky_now *= current_amp_beam_1 * \ np.conj(current_amp_beam_2) # 3. Get result for baseline at this time if fields_match(previous_config, config, exclude_fields=['fts_start', 'fts_position', 'fts_nominal_position', 'data']): pass else: # calculate new baseline spectrum # print 'calculating new baseline spectrum' baseline = np.array([config.baseline_x, config.baseline_y]) fft_now = np.zeros(np.shape(sky_now), np.complex) baseline_spectrum = np.zeros(np.shape(fts_wn), np.complex) for iwn,wn in enumerate(fts_wn_truncated): # derive shift needed to place baseline at one of FFT # coords this depends on physical baseline and frequency baseline_lambda = baseline * wn * 100.0 # calculate baseline position in units of pixels of # FFTed sky - numpy arrays [row,col] colpos = float(nx-1) * baseline_lambda[0] / \ (spatial_freq_axis[-1] - spatial_freq_axis[0]) rowpos = float(nx-1) * baseline_lambda[1] / \ (spatial_freq_axis[-1] - spatial_freq_axis[0]) # calculate fourier phase shift to move point at # [rowpos,colpos] to [0,0] shiftx = np.zeros([nx], np.complex) shiftx[:nx/2] = np.arange(nx/2, dtype=np.complex) shiftx[nx/2:] = np.arange(-nx/2, 0, dtype=np.complex) shiftx = np.exp((2.0j * np.pi * colpos * shiftx) / \ float(nx)) shifty = np.zeros([nx], np.complex) shifty[:nx/2] = np.arange(nx/2, dtype=np.complex) shifty[nx/2:] = np.arange(-nx/2, 0, dtype=np.complex) shifty = np.exp((2.0j * np.pi * rowpos * shifty) / \ float(nx)) shift = np.ones([nx,nx], np.complex) for j in range(nx): shift[j,:] *= shiftx for i in range(nx): shift[:,i] *= shifty # move centre of sky image to origin temp = np.fft.fftshift(sky_now[:,:,iwn]) # apply phase shift temp *= shift # 2d fft temp = np.fft.fft2(temp) fft_now[:,:,iwn] = temp if wn==30.0 and not debug_plotted: freq = np.fft.fftfreq(n=np.shape(fft_now)[0], d=(spatial_axis[1]-spatial_axis[0]) / 206265.0) freq = np.arange(np.shape(fft_now)[0]) * (freq[1] - freq[0]) ifreq = np.arange(np.shape(fft_now)[0]) baseline_i = ifreq[abs(freq-abs(baseline_lambda[0])) < (freq[1]-freq[0])] baseline_j = ifreq[abs(freq-abs(baseline_lambda[1])) < (freq[1]-freq[0])] # print baseline, fft_now[baseline_i[0], baseline_j[0], iwn] # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(fft_now.real[:,:,iwn], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', # aspect='equal', extent=[freq[0],freq[-1],freq[0],freq[-1]]) # plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical') # plt.axis('image') # plt.savefig('debug_fft_real.png') # plt.close() # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(fft_now.imag[:,:,iwn], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', # aspect='equal', extent=[freq[0],freq[-1],freq[0],freq[-1]]) # plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical') # plt.axis('image') # plt.savefig('debug_fft_imag.png') # plt.close() # debug_plotted = True # set amp/phase at this frequency baseline_spectrum[wn==fts_wn] = temp[0,0] # 4. Calculate interferogram value from this baseline on the 'sky' # at the current FTS mirror position. opd = 2.0 * config.fts_position opd_ipos = opd / delta_opd # calculate shift needed to move point at opd to 0 nfreq = len(fts_wn) ndoublefreq = 2 * (nfreq - 1) shift = np.zeros([ndoublefreq], dtype=np.complex) shift[:nfreq] = np.arange(nfreq, dtype=np.complex) shift[nfreq:] = np.arange(nfreq, dtype=np.complex)[-2:0:-1] shift = np.exp((-2.0j * np.pi * opd_ipos * shift) /\ float(ndoublefreq)) # reflect spectrum about 0 to give unaliased version reflected_spectrum = np.zeros([2*(len(baseline_spectrum)-1)], np.complex) reflected_spectrum[:len(baseline_spectrum)] = baseline_spectrum reflected_spectrum[len(baseline_spectrum):] = \ baseline_spectrum[-2:0:-1] # apply phase shift and fft reflected_spectrum *= shift spectrum_fft = np.fft.ifft(reflected_spectrum) config = config._replace(data = spectrum_fft[0].real) observed_obs_framework.append(config) previous_config = config self.result['observed_framework'] = observed_obs_framework return self.result def __repr__(self): return 'Observe'